GMU Source Code
HLS-ready C Source Code for the SHA-3 Round 3 Candidates - ARC 2015 Conference Release, April 2015
- The detailed assumptions formulated in E. Homsirikamol and K. Gaj, "Hardware Benchmarking of Cryptographic Algorithms Using High-Level Synthesis Tools: The SHA-3 Contest Case Study," Proc. 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, ARC 2015, Bochum, Germany, April 15-17, 2015, pp. 217-228.
- Primary Optimization Target: Throughput/Area; Secondary Optimization Target: Throughput.
- No use of embedded resources, such as multipliers, DSP units, or Block Memories, in the hash cores.
Source Code for the SHA-3 Round 3 Candidates & SHA-2 - The Third SHA-3 Candidate Conference Release, March 2012
- All architectures defined in
K. Gaj, E. Homsirikamol, M. Rogawski, R. Shahid, and M.U. Sharif, "Comprehensive Evaluation of High-Speed and Medium-Speed Implementations of Five SHA-3 Finalists Using Xilinx and Altera FPGAs," The 3rd SHA-3 Candidate Conference, Washington, D.C., March 22-23, 2012: paper, slides - The GMU Interface and Communication Protocol Used in the Implementations of the SHA-3 Round 3 Candidates (non-pipelined architectures).
- Primary Optimization Target: Throughput/Area; Secondary Optimization Target: Throughput.
- No salt, No special modes of operation.
- No use of embedded resources, such as multipliers, DSP units, or Block Memories.
Source Code for the SHA-3 Round 3 Candidates & SHA-2 - CHES 2011 release, October 2011
- All architectures defined in
E. Homsirikamol, M. Rogawski, and K. Gaj, "Throughput vs. Area Trade-offs in High-Speed Architectures of Five Round 3 SHA-3 Candidates Implemented Using Xilinx and Altera FPGAs," in LNCS 6917, Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2011, Nara, Japan, Sep. 28-Oct. 1, pp. 491-506: slides - The GMU Interface and Communication Protocol Used in the Implementations the SHA-3 Round 3 Candidates.
- Primary Optimization Target: Throughput/Area; Secondary Optimization Target: Throughput.
- No padding unit (i.e., input is assumed to be already properly padded).
- No salt, No special modes of operation.
- No use of embedded resources, such as multipliers, DSP units or Block Memories.
Best non-pipelined architectures without padding
The VHDL source code provided below has been generated by members of the Cryptographic Engineering Research Group (CERG) at George Mason University in the period from January 2010 to April 2015.
Algorithm | Source Code |
Release Date |
BLAKE | HLS_BLAKE.zip | 04/15/2015 |
Groestl | HLS_Groestl.zip | 04/15/2015 |
JH | HLS_JH.zip | 04/15/2015 |
Keccak | HLS_Keccak.zip | 04/15/2015 |
Skein | HLS_Skein.zip | 04/15/2015 |
We reuse the same VHDL code to implement both 256 and 512
variants of all hash functions with the help of generics. A
user needs only to select an appropriate value, HASH_SIZE_256 or
HASH_SIZE_512, for the generic 'h' or 'hs' present in the top
level entity. The VHDL file containing the top level entity of
the given hash function is indicated in the source_list.txt file
present in the 'sources' folder obtained from the zip file.
Source Code with and without Padding | Supported Architectures | Architecture Notation | Block Diagrams | Release Date |
BLAKE_folded_pad.zip BLAKE_folded.zip |
Basic iterative Folded horizontally |
x1, /k(h), k=2,4 |
BLAKE_x1_diagrams.zip BLAKE_fh2_diagrams.zip BLAKE_fh4_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
BLAKE_fh4v4_pad.zip BLAKE_fh4v4.zip |
Folded horizontally and vertically with internal state stored in memory |
/4(h)/4(v)-m |
BLAKE_fh4v4_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
BLAKE_PPL_pad.zip BLAKE_PPL.zip |
Pipelined |
x1-PPLn, n=2,4 /2(h)-PPLn, n=2,4 |
03/23/2012 |
Source Code with and without
Padding |
Supported Architectures |
Architecture Notation |
Architecture Notation |
Release Date |
Groestl_PpQ_x1.zip |
Parallel - Basic iterative |
x1(P+Q) |
Groestl_PpQ_x1_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
Groestl_PpQ_folded_pad.zip Groestl_PpQ_folded.zip |
Parallel - Folded vertically |
k=2,4,8 |
Groestl_PpQ_fvk_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
Groestl_PpQ_PPL_pad.zip Groestl_PpQ_PPL.zip |
Parallel - Pipelined |
x1-PPLn, n=2,4 |
03/23/2012 | |
Groestl_PsQ_x1.zip |
Quasi-pipelined - Basic iterative |
x1(P/Q) |
Groestl_PsQ_x1_diagrams.zip | 03/23/2012 |
Groestl_PsQ_folded_pad.zip Groestl_PsQ_folded.zip |
Quasi-pipelined - Folded vertically |
k=2,4,8 |
Groestl_PsQ_fvk_diagrams.zip | 03/23/2012 |
Source Code with and without
Padding |
Supported Architectures |
Architecture Notation |
Block Diagrams |
Release Date |
JH_unrolled_pad.zip JH_unrolled.zip |
Basic iterative Unrolled |
x1 x2 |
JH_x1_diagrams.zip JH_x2_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
JH_fv2_pad.zip JH_fv2.zip |
Folded vertically |
/2(v) |
JH_fv2_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
JH_fv8-m.zip | Folded vertically with internal state stored in memory | /8(v)-m | 03/23/2012 | |
JH_PPL_pad.zip JH_PPL.zip |
Pipelined |
x1-PPL2 x2-PPLn, n=2,4 |
03/23/2012 |
Source Code with and without
Padding |
Supported Architectures |
Architecture Notation |
Block Diagrams |
Release Date |
Keccak_basic_pad.zip Keccak_basic.zip |
Basic iterative |
x1 |
Keccak_x1_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
Keccak_fv8-m.zip | Folded vertically with internal state stored in memory | /8(v)-m | 03/23/2012 | |
Keccak_PPL_pad.zip Keccak_PPL.zip |
Pipelined |
x1-PPL2 x2-PPLn, n=2,4 |
03/23/2012 |
Source Code with and without
Padding |
Supported Architectures |
Architecture Notation |
Block Diagrams |
Release Date |
Skein_unrolled_pad.zip Skein_unrolled.zip |
Basic iterative Unrolled |
x1 x4, x8 |
Skein_x1_diagrams.zip Skein_x4_diagrams.zip Skein_x8_diagrams.zip |
03/23/2012 |
Skein_PPL_pad.zip Skein_PPL.zip |
Pipelined |
x4-PPL2, x4-PPL5 x8-PPL10 |
03/23/2012 |
Source Code with and without
Padding |
Supported Architectures |
Architecture Notation |
Block Diagrams |
Release Date |
SHA-2_pad.zip SHA-2.zip |
Basic iterative |
x1 |
03/23/2012 |
Folded & Unrolled Architectures without padding
Block Diagrams for the SHA-3 Round 3 Candidates - Basic, Folded, and Unrolled Architectures
Source Code for the SHA-3 Round 2 Candidates & SHA-2 - Hash 2011 Release, May 2011
- Primary Optimization Target: Throughput/Area; Secondary Optimization Target: Throughput.
- Datapath width = Internal state size.
- The GMU Interface and Communication Protocol Used in the Implementations the SHA-3 Round 2 Candidates.
- No padding unit (i.e., input is assumed to be already properly padded).
- No salt, No special modes of operation.
- No use of embedded resources, such as multipliers, DSP units, or Block Memories.
- The VHDL file containing the top level entity of the given
hash function is indicated in the source_list.txt file present
in the 'sources' folder obtained from the zip file. The only
exception to this rule is SIMD, in which VHDL code for 256
and 512-bit variants are in separate folders inside the zip
Implementation Results
The results for all of the above listed implementations are
available in the ATHENa
database. In order to get familiar with the database please
start from reading its help. - Altera Stratix III, and Stratix IV, and
- Xilinx Virtex 5, and Virtex 6.
- Altera Cyclone II, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, Stratix II, Stratix III, and Stratix IV, and
- Xilinx Spartan 3, Spartan 6, Virtex 4, Virtex 5, and Virtex 6.
Replicating GMU Results
In order replicate a selected result available in the ATHENa database,
you need to - Locate the result in the ATHENa database, using available filters and search functions.
- Click on the result ID in the left-most column.
- Scroll to the bottom of the overlay window, to the category Other, and the field: Result Replication Files: link.
- Right-click on the string "link" and download the associated file <Result ID>.zip to a selected folder of your choice.
- Unzip the obtained file. Get familiar with the readme.txt file located in the main folder after decompression.
- Copy source code used to generate a given result, downloaded from this web page, to the folder src of the replication folder.
- Run the replication script, called 'run', to re-generate the result. In Windows, this can be done either by double-clicking on "run.bat", or calling this script from the command-line window. In Linux, the user may need to change the ownership of "run.sh" first, by calling "chmod +x run.sh" in the console window. Afterwards, the user should call the "./run.sh" command.
- Check implementation reports generated by the FPGA tools, these reports are generated as *.log and *.twr files and are located inside the replication folder.
Checking Functional Correctness of the Code
All source code zip files from GMU contain the following
subfolders: - kat : Known Answer Test folder containing test vectors used to test our designs.
- sources : Source files folder.
- tb : Testbench files folder.
- Add all the source files from the 'sources' folder
- Add all the testbench files from the 'tb' folder
- Copy the KAT files from the 'kat' folder to your verification tool's project folder
- Compile the files with the following hierarchy (top last):
- synthesizable source files in the same order as in source_list.txt file
- sha_tb_all_pkg.vhd
- fifo_ram.vhd
- fifo.vhd
- hash_one_clk_wrapper or hash_two_clk_wrapper (whichever file is present in the tb folder)
- sha_tb_all.vhd.
- Perform functional verification with sha_tb_all as your top level entity.
Source Code from Other Groups
SHA-3 Round 3 and Round 2 Candidates:
SHA-3 Round 2 Candidates:
- RCIS-AIST, Japan: SHA-3 Hardware Project
- University of College Cork, Ireland: SHA-3 Hardware Project
- Virginia Tech, USA: Performance Evaluation of SHA-3 Candidates in ASIC and FPGA
- ETH Zurich, Switzerland: Hardware Evaluation of SHA3 2nd Round Candidates
Contact information
Algorithm | Best Non-Pipelined High-Speed Architecture | Architecture Notation |
Release Date |
BLAKE | BLAKE_basic.zip | /2(h) |
10/01/2011 |
Groestl | Groestl_PpQ_x1.zip Groestl_PsQ_x1.zip |
x1 (P+Q) x1 (P/Q) |
10/01/2011 |
JH | JH_basic.zip | x1 |
10/01/2011 |
Keccak | Keccak_basic.zip | x1 |
10/01/2011 |
Skein | Skein_basic.zip | x4 |
10/01/2011 |
SHA-2 | SHA-2_basic.zip | x1 |
10/01/2011 |
Algorithm | Folded & Unrolled Architectures |
Architecture Notations |
Release Date |
BLAKE | BLAKE_fh4fv4.zip BLAKE_folded.zip |
/4(h)/4(v) x1, /k(h); k=2,4 |
10/01/2011 |
Groestl | Groestl_PpQ_folded.zip Groestl_PsQ_folded.zip |
/k(v) (P+Q);
k=2,4,8 /k(v) (P/Q); k=2,4,8 |
10/01/2011 |
JH | JH_fv2.zip JH_u2.zip |
/2(v) x2 |
10/01/2011 |
Skein | Skein_unrolled.zip | xk;
k=1,4,8 |
10/01/2011 |
Algorithm | Block Diagrams |
Release Date |
BLAKE | BLAKE_block_diagrams.zip | 10/08/2011 |
Groestl | Groestl_block_diagrams.zip | 10/10/2011 |
JH | JH_block_diagrams.zip | 10/08/2011 |
Keccak | Keccak_block_diagrams.zip | 10/01/2011 |
Skein | Skein_block_diagrams.zip | 10/08/2011 |
Algorithm | Basic High-Speed Architecture | Release Date |
BLAKE | blake_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
BMW | bmw_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
CubeHash | cubehash_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
ECHO | echo_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
Fugue | fugue_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
Groestl | groestl_basic_r2.zip | 08/31/2011 |
Hamsi | hamsi_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
JH | jh_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
Keccak | keccak_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
Luffa | luffa_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
Shabal | shabal_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
SHAvite-3 | shavite3_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
SIMD | simd_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
Skein | skein_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
SHA-2 | sha2_basic_r2.zip | 05/19/2011 |
For each Round 3 source code, an effort has been made to generate results for the following 4 families of FPGAs:
You can use filters at the bottom of the Hash Function Results Table in the database in order to limit your view to implementations of a particular algorithm, using particular family. In order to distinguish between the Round 2 and Round 3 versions of the same algorithm, please click on the header Algorithm, and then specify in the filter for the Group, SHA-3 Round 2 or SHA-3 Round 3, respectively.
In order to investigate any particular result in detail, please click on its ID. An overlay window should appear. In order to compare two results, please choose one result (by clicking anywhere within a line corresponding to this result), and then choose another one you would like to use for comparison. Then click on the "Compare Selected Results" button.
To perform functional simulation, you need to:
Please contact us with any ideas about the desired features of our code, error reports, questions, etc.
Please indicate if you would like to receive e-mail
notifications about the releases of new versions of our source
Please direct your correspondence to:
Kris GajCERG: Cryptographic Engineering Research Group
ECE Department
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030
E-mail: kgaj (at) gmu.edu
Phone: +1 703 993 1575
Fax: +1 703 993 1601
You can also contact directly the primary author of a particular code (typically a graduate student), using name and an e-mail address provided in the fields Primary Designer Name(s) and Primary Designer Email(s) in the detailed view of any result obtained using that particular code.