2.2. Windows Installation

Below, we describe how to setup FOBOS 3.0 software and test that everything is working on Windows.

2.2.1. Requirements

  1. A PC with Windows 10 installed.

  2. FOBOS 3.0 fobos-v3.0.zip file.

  3. You must be able to obtain Administrator rights.

2.2.2. Basic Downloads

Note: The following installation procedure is not fully tested on Windows 10.

  1. Download FOBOS from the FOBOS home page.

  2. Extract the archive into the directory of your choice

2.2.3. Install Python

  1. Download git for windows from https://git-scm.com/downloads and install with default options.

  2. Download WinPython 3.8 from https://winpython.github.io/ and install (uncompress) it on the PC into C:\Users\username\WinPython.

  3. Execute the program WinPython Control Panel and select Advanced->Register distribution from the menu. However, you still have to manually add the path to where the python executable is to the system path. Check online on how to do this for your windows version.

  4. Configure your git bash to find python by adding its location to a .bashrc file. Start git bash and enter:

    alias python='winpty /c/Users/username/winPython/pypy3.8-v7.3.9-win64/python.exe

    Please replace username with your username and pypy3.8-v7.3.9-win64 with the directory name in your installation.

  5. Reboot Windows.

2.2.4. Install FOBOS

  1. Extract fobos-v3.0.zip into C:\Users\username\.

  2. Open the command shell cmd as Administrator. In windows only an Administrator can set symbolic links. Execute the following commands.

    cd C:\Users\username
    cd fobos\software\notebooks
    del foboslib
    mklink /D foboslib ..\foboslib
    cd sca_labs
    del foboslib
    mklink /D foboslib ..\..\foboslib
    cd C:\Users\username\WinPython\notebooks
    mklink /D fobos ..\..\fobos\software\notebooks
  3. Now you should be able to execute Jupyter Lab.exe from your C:\Users\username\WinPython directory. Be patient, it will take a while to fully start up. It will open your default web browser with the JupyterLab Launcher. In the folder browser on the left will be a fobos folder containing the FOBOS Jupyter notebooks.

2.2.5. Install DUT Support

To be described