6.2. FobosTVGen

FobosTVGen, provided with FOBOS, generates test vectors for cryptographic functions using the simple FOBOS DUT Protocol described in Section 6.1.

6.2.1. Generating Test Vectors for SCA

The library of FobosTVGen can be loaded into your Jupyter notebook with:

from foboslib.capture.fobosTVGen import FobosTVGen

FobosTvGen requires that a file with the key already exists. The code below defines a key and creates such a file.

Listing 6.1 Python code to run in Jupyter Notebook for defining a key for AES
# create key file in the workspace directory
KEY = "01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77"
keyFileName = "keyfile.txt"
keyFile = open(keyFileName, "w")
keyFile.write(KEY )

The following code is the invocation of FobosTVGen. It creates 10 test vectors for AES. It requires the key file and will produce all other required files. The file names can contain path information. Associated data and the nonce are optional files and won’t be generated when commented out as shown below.

Listing 6.2 FobosTVGen parameters for AES
# Generate test vectors
tvGen = FobosTVGen(traceNum=10,                       # number of text vectors
                   blockSize=16,                      # bytes of plaintext per block
                   #adSize=16,                        # bytes of associated data per block
                   #nonceSize=2,                      # bytes of nonce for each encryption
                   keySize=16,                        # key size in bytes
                   cipherSize=16,                     # cipher output block size in bytes
                   dinFile= "dinFile.txt",            # file name for the FOBOS test vector file
                   plaintextFile= "plaintext.txt",    # file name for the plaintext
                   #associateDataFile= "ad.txt",      # file name for the associated data
                   #nonceFile= "nonce.txt",           # file name for the nonce
                   keyFile="keyfile.txt"              # file name of the key file

Here is how the generated dinFile.txt looks like.:


This file can now be used in FOBOS as a test vector file.

A plaintext.txt file is also generated, it includes only the PDI portion dinFile.txt:

3A D5 30 5E BD 0C 99 C7 48 22 63 E2 D7 EC EA ED
5C 09 50 4D 71 3B F9 B5 92 56 01 E6 71 EA 25 78
A6 D6 DE 25 48 E4 CC F4 46 EC A8 E6 20 E4 E5 55
E0 79 2C DE 9A FD A7 EA C3 3A 8D 0E AD E5 24 CB
4A 09 A0 0A 4C 42 68 F0 B6 F4 FC E4 F5 14 A6 BB

6.2.2. Generating Test Vectors for TVLA