4.3.2. ASCON Example
This example is based on the NIST LWC Hardware Reference Design of Ascon v1.2 by the Ascon team at https://ascon.iaik.tugraz.at/index.html. We are using their v1 implementation of Ascon-128 v1.2 which uses a 32-bit interface and computes one permutation per clock cycle.
Interface |
PDI width |
32 |
SDI width |
32 |
DO width |
32 |
Permutation rounds per clock cycle |
1 |
Clock cycles for encrypting one block of Plaintext and one block of AD |
? | First Steps
Create a new directory for the ASCON DUT project for example ASCON-DUT
Clone the git repository of ASCON from https://github.com/ascon/ascon-hardware.
Copy all files from the
directory and the dut/fpga_wrapper/src_tb/core_wrapper_tb.vhd
to this directory.
Additionally copy the constraint file that matches your DUT from the dut/fpga_wrapper/constraints
Only modify the copied files. The example below assumes that you have installed FOBOS in /opt
and that your DUT is the FOBOS FBD-A7.
cd !$
git clone https://github.com/ascon/ascon-hardware.git
cp /opt/fobos/dut/fpga_wrapper/src_rtl/* .
cp /opt/fobos/dut/fpga_wrapper/src_tb/core_wrapper_tb.vhd .
cp /opt/fobos/dut/fpga_wrapper/constraints/FOBOS_Artix7.xdc . Ascon Top Level Interface
The top level file of the LW Hardware API compatible implementation is
Its interface is shown in Listing 4.7 which is very generic and
features three AXI4-Stream compatible interfaces, one for plaintext (PDI), key (SDI), and ciphertext (DO) as
well as a clock and reset input. This interface matches exactly the FOBOS wrapper’s interface for the Crypto Core.
The width of the PDI matches the size of DO. This width and the width of SDI is specified in
shown in
Listing 4.8.
entity LWC is
G_DO_FIFO_DEPTH : natural := 1 -- 0: disable output FIFO, 1 or 2 (elastic FIFO)
--! Global ports
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
--! Public data input
pdi_data : in std_logic_vector(PDI_SHARES * W - 1 downto 0);
pdi_valid : in std_logic;
pdi_ready : out std_logic;
--! Secret data input
sdi_data : in std_logic_vector(SDI_SHARES * SW - 1 downto 0);
sdi_valid : in std_logic;
sdi_ready : out std_logic;
--! Data out ports
do_data : out std_logic_vector(PDI_SHARES * W - 1 downto 0);
do_last : out std_logic;
do_valid : out std_logic;
do_ready : in std_logic
--! Random Input
-- ;
-- rdi_data : in std_logic_vector(RW - 1 downto 0);
-- rdi_valid : in std_logic;
-- rdi_ready : out std_logic
end entity;
package LWC_config is
--! External bus: supported values are 8, 16 and 32 bits
constant W : positive := 32;
--! currently only W=SW is supported
constant SW : positive := W;
--! Change the default value ONLY in a masked implementation
--! Number of PDI shares, 1 for a non-masked implementation
constant PDI_SHARES : positive := 1;
--! Number of SDI shares, 1 for a non-masked implementation
--! Does not need to be the same as PDI_SHARES but this is the default
constant SDI_SHARES : positive := PDI_SHARES;
--! Width of RDI port in bits. Set to 0 if not used.
constant RW : natural := 0;
--! Assume an asynchronous and active-low reset.
--! Can be set to `True` given that support for it is implemented in the CryptoCore
constant ASYNC_RSTN : boolean := False;
end package;
More information about the LWC Hardware API can be found in Section 4.2.4. FOBOS Wrapper Configuration
The LWC Hardware API has an AXI interface and has to be instantiated as follows in the core_wrapper.vhd
file around line 173.
Note that the reset signal has to be inverted.
-- Instantiate your core here
crypto_core : entity work.LWC(structure)
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => not crypto_input_en,
-- data signals
pdi_data => crypto_di0_data,
pdi_valid => crypto_di0_valid,
pdi_ready => crypto_di0_ready,
sdi_data => crypto_di1_data,
sdi_valid => crypto_di1_valid,
sdi_ready => crypto_di1_ready,
do_data => crypto_do_data,
do_ready => crypto_do_ready,
do_valid => crypto_do_valid
--! if rdi_interface for side-channel protected versions is required, uncomment the rdi interface
-- ,rdi_data => crypto_rdi_data,
-- rdi_ready => crypto_rdi_ready,
-- rdi_valid => crypto_rdi_valid
This ASCON implementation follows the LWC Hardware API which uses a communications protocol.
While FOBOS is agnostic to this protocol, FOBOS still has to know the maximum number of 32-bit words required
for the test vectors that go to PDI, SDA and the size of the response on DO.
For example, the PDI test vector can include several blocks of plaintext, associated data, and
the nonce.
The FOBOS wrapper stores complete PDI and SDA
test vectors before invoking the crypto core to process the data and stores the response before
sending it back to FOBOS Control.
The depth of the FIFOS has to be specified in FIFO_x_LOG2DEPTH
For example if your longest test vector is 768 bits long, you compute
\(\lceil{\log_2 \frac{768}{32}}\rceil = \lceil{\log_2 24}\rceil = 5\).
For our example we pick 4.
This has to be defined in core_wrapper_pkg.vhd
which is shown in Listing 4.10.
Set RAND_WORDS to 0 makes sure that no random number generator will be automatically included.
The values for the Random Data Input (RDI) can be ignored as this is not an SCA protected implementation.
package core_wrapper_pkg is
-- input fifos
constant FIFO_0_WIDTH : natural := 32 ;
constant FIFO_0_LOG2DEPTH : natural := 4 ;
constant FIFO_1_WIDTH : natural := 32 ;
constant FIFO_1_LOG2DEPTH : natural := 4 ;
-- output fifo
constant FIFO_OUT_WIDTH : natural := 32 ;
constant FIFO_OUT_LOG2DEPTH : natural := 4 ;
-- random data
constant RAND_WORDS : natural := 0 ;
constant FIFO_RDI_WIDTH : natural := 64 ;
constant FIFO_RDI_LOG2DEPTH : natural := 3 ;
end core_wrapper_pkg;
The depth of a FIFO is \(2^{FIFO\_x\_LOG2DEPTH}\). For example if FIFO_x_LOG2DEPTH = 2, the depth of the FIFO is \(2^2 = 4\). FIFO_x_LOG2DEPTH has to be equal or larger than 1, i.e. the minimum depth of the FIFO is 2. Generating Bitstream for DUT
Create a project in Vivado e.g., ASCON-FBD-A7
and add all source files that you copied in your project
directory e.g., ASCON-DUT
and the constraint file.
From the ASCON git repository you need all files of the LWC Hardware API Support package in
and all files from the v1 implementation in
Select the FPGA device that is on your DUT. You can find that information in the DUT descriptions in Section 4.1.
Make sure that the file core_wrapper_tb.vhd
is only used for Simulation. This can be set in the
Source File Properties window.
Select the file half_duplex_dut.vhd as the top level. Don’t run synthesis yet!
Some files use the 2008 standard of VHDL. Vivado 2022.1 does not detect this and will create error messages when synthesizing the code. Note: You don’t need to use Vivado 2022.1 to implement the DUT, you can use newer versions but they might still create the same error.
As it is too tedious to set the VHDL revision of all files that use the 2008 standard individually, you can type the following command into the TCL Console of Vivado to apply this to all files.
set_property FILE_TYPE {VHDL 2008} [get_files *.vhd]
Now you can run Synthesis followed by Implementation and Generate Bitstream.
The resulting bit file will be in the directory ~/ASCON-DUT/ASCON-FBD-A7/ASCON-FBD-A7.runs/impl_1
the name of half_duplex_dut.bit
. Copy this file into your Jupyter Notebook directory, maybe under
a more descriptive name.
cp ~/ASCON-DUT/ASCON-FBD-A7/ASCON-FBD-A7.runs/impl_1 ~/notebooks/fobos/ascon_fbd-a7.bit