Rajesh Velegalati

3100 Engineering Building George Mason University ECE Department, CERG 4400 University Drive, MS 1G5 Fairfax, VA 22030 |
Office: Engineering Building , Room 3224 Phone (lab): 703-993-1561 E-Mail: rvelegal'at'gmu.edu Personal Homepage: http://mason.gmu.edu/~rvelegal/ |
Research Interest
- Side Channel Analysis
- Protection against side channel attacks
- Tamper sensing circuits
- Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Theoretical aspects of SCA
- Ultra Low Power Cryptographic Implementation
- Devoloping Back end tools for FPGAs
Advisor: Dr. Jens-Peter Kaps
Rajesh received his Master Degree from George Mason University in Summer 2009 and received his Bachelor Degree from Sir C.R.Reddy College on Engineering, Andhra University, India in 2006. He started his Phd program in George Mason University in Fall 2009. He is a research assistant under Dr. Jens-Peter Kaps as a part of CERG.
- R. Velegalati and R. Van, Electro Magnetic Fault Injection in Practice, Sep, 2013, The First International Cryptographic Module Conference, ICMC 2013 [Bibtex]
- R. Velegalati, K. Shah, and J.-P. Kaps, Glitch detection in hardware implementations on FPGAs using delay based sampling techniques, 2013 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), pages 947954, 2013 [Bibtex]
- B. Brewster, E. Homsirikamol, R. Velegalati, and K. Gaj, Option Space Exploration Using Distributed Computing for Efficient Benchmarking of FPGA Cryptographic Modules, 2012 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology - FPT, Dec, 2012 [Bibtex]
- R. Velegalati and J.-P. Kaps, Improving security of SDDL designs through interleaved placement on Xilinx FPGAs, Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2011, IEEE, pages 506511, Sep, 2011 [pre-print, pdf] [Bibtex]
- S. Shah, R. Velegalati, J.-P. Kaps, and D. Hwang, Investigation of DPA resistance of Block RAMs in cryptographic implementations on FPGAs, International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs ReConFig'10, IEEE, pages 274279, Dec, 2010 [pre-print, pdf] [Bibtex]
- R. Velegalati and J.-P. Kaps, Techniques to enable the use of block RAMs on FPGAs with dynamic and differential logic, International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2010, IEEE, pages 12511254, Dec, 2010 [pre-print, pdf] [Bibtex]
- J.-P. Kaps and R. Velegalati, DPA resistant AES on FPGA using partial DDL, IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines FCCM 2010, IEEE, pages 273280, May, 2010 [pre-print, pdf] [Bibtex]
- R. Velegalati, Securing light weight cryptographic implementations on FPGAs using dual rail with pre-charge logic, ECE Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, July, 2009, Master's Thesis [Bibtex]