Marcin Rogawski

George Mason University ECE Department, CERG 4400 University Drive, MS 1G5 Fairfax, VA 22030 |
Office: Science and Technology II, Room 220 Phone (lab): 703-993-1561 E-Mail: mrogawsk'at' Curriculum Vitae: Marcin Rogawski Personal Homepage: |
Research Interest
- Design of block and stream ciphers
- Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography
- Linear and differential cryptanalysis
- Algebraic attacks
- Reconfigurable Computing
- Efficient implementations of crypto algorithms and security protocols in programmable logic
- IPSec and other Applications of Cryptogrpahy
- Micorocontroller development
- Implementations of Operating Systems
- Network Security
Advisor: Dr. Kris Gaj
Marcin is a Teaching Assistant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at GMU. He is working toward his PhD degree in Computer Engineering as part of CERG. He received his M.S. degree from Military University of Technology.